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To Block Crypto Payments Citing Fraud Scams

To Block Crypto Payments Citing Fraud Scams

JPMorgan's British Retail Bank, Chase, Bans Crypto Transactions

Effective October 16, 2023

As per an announcement made on September 26, 2023, by Reuters, Chase, the British retail bank owned by JPMorgan, will prohibit all crypto transactions beginning October 16, 2023. This decision was reportedly made due to concerns over the prevalence of fraud and scams associated with cryptocurrency payments.

Chase customers in the UK will no longer be able to use their accounts to make any cryptocurrency transactions. This move by Chase UK is not part of a broader group-wide policy, as JPMorgan had previously stated in 2018 that it would not ban crypto transactions.

Impact of Chase's Crypto Prohibition on Customers

The ban on crypto payments by Chase UK has significant implications for customers who utilize the bank's services. Individuals who wish to purchase or sell cryptocurrencies will need to seek alternative methods for completing these transactions. Additionally, businesses that accept cryptocurrency payments may experience reduced revenue as Chase customers are no longer able to use their accounts to make such purchases.


The decision by Chase UK to ban crypto transactions is a noteworthy development in the UK's cryptocurrency landscape. While this move may inconvenience some customers and businesses, it underscores the ongoing concerns surrounding fraud and scams associated with cryptocurrency payments. As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, it remains to be seen whether other financial institutions will follow suit and implement similar restrictions.
